Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Now where are the parents?

Would you believe that I am colder in GA than I am in Utah. Thank goodness for jackets and blankets! Other than that, I am doing great.
Just to let you know where we are going next....
I arrive home on Sun. night. We leave for Sweetwater for a week, you know the annual thing! The group is smaller this year. Carlson's are on mission, Sorenson's and Douglas's are not going. Bryce Packer just fell and cracked his hip and has to have 2 screws put in, then 6 weeks on crutches. So that leaves Pittards, Bells and Millers. We will be home on the 25th February, which by the way was Grandma Elly's b-day.
The bigger news is this. We have definitely decided to sell the house. We will put it on the market this Spring. When the house sells, we will decide where to move. It most likely will be in Smithfield. We will be looking for a small home and getting rid of a lot of things, just like you have wanted us to do for a long time. So you had better let us know if you really want any stored junk, or stuff from the house. We are going to get rid of a lot. Speak now or forever hold your peace. I think we will have to rent a storage unit to put stuff in so the house will look better. It's all these decisions. But at least we are have come this far....aren't you glad. After the house is sold etc. etc. then it is amission for us.
Ron may, I say may have a job offer to work part time for an engineering firm in Smfd until the house is sold. He has interviewed and just waiting for an answer. It could or could not happen.

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