Monday, February 18, 2008

St George with the Garvins

Happy Presidents Day!
We spent the long weekend in St George. It was so fun. We met up with Matt and Dianne in Payson and Michael rode with them. The girls were so happy to have the extra room in the back seat. Thank You.
We went to Kendyll and Kyle's baseball games. It was cold on Saturday but Sunday was a beautiful day. John and I are both sunburned. After the games on Saturday we went to a park that had really cool red rocks. The kids had a great time climbing and exploring. Sophia is a regular rock climber! She had so much fun. Michael climbed a rock that was difficult for him but he did it and he was so proud of himself. Emily climbed up a rock, she did so well, I was so proud of her. She thought it was cool!
The kids LOVE Zoe, Dianne's new dog. They were fighting over her. I'm sure Zoe was happy to see us leave. Emily took some video of Zoe, it is a little shaky but I am going to add it here. There is also some video of the kids climbing the rocks. Enjoy.

I know, I know too many videos but it was hard to choose just one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amber, thanks for taking the videos! They are so fun to watch the kids in motion! Thanks for coming to St. George to watch the boys play ball and to play with us! We had a great time and the weather couldn't have been nicer! Thanks for letting Kendyll and I crash at your house too! It was nice to play games with Sophia and Kendyll had fun going to Michael's pinewood derby! Love you guys!